Monday, November 30, 2009

SQR Related Issues

Today i got a need to find out the line-number of the cursor in the SQR. After verifying the google and many other ways, i found how to do it.

SQR has some internal variables, using those we can find the line or column numbers of the cursor.

$current-column is to find out the current column where the cursor is.
#current-line is to find out the Current row where the cursor is.
we all use wrap to divide text into 2 or 3..n lines. when it happens usually the cursor won't come back to the top line where the actual string started printing. To make it happen, Use keep-top.

print $long_descr () wrap 20 5 keep-top



I would like to write all the issues related to peoplesoft and it's reporting tools at one place. So that i or my friends can refer it in future whenever it is needed.