Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trick to remove Blank lines in Text

1. copy the content to MS Word
2. Find: ^p^p
Replace: ^p

FYI: If we have complex blank lines the below procedure can help

There may be spaces and tabs that interfere with a normal ^p^p find/replace operation. If tabs and double spaces are not required by the other entries, I suggest this:

Find: ^t
Replace: (space)

Find: (space)(space)
Replace: (space)
(and do this until the find count is 0; remember to save the document every time)

Find: ^l
Replace: ^p

Find: ^p(space)
Replace: ^p
(do this until the find count is 0)

Find: (space)^p
Replace: ^p
(do this until the find count is 0)

Find: ^p^p
Replace: ^p
(do this until you're happy with the result)


  1. Edit plus has even more options to replace at end of the line($ indicates the end of the line) or at the beginning of the line(^) and many more like this..try "edit plus" to experience these..

  2. Notepad++ is also very good text edit tool. It has option of FTP inbuilt.
